Now that you are interested in unraveling the stunning mysteries of the Himalayas, you may be curious about the process of getting in Nepal. Getting into Nepal is not that difficult. You can generally use two ways of transportation to get to Nepal. You can choose either a flight or a vehicle.

The flight is recommended since road trips may get distressing and time-consuming. If you want convenient transportation to Nepal then traveling via an airplane is the easiest. 

Getting in Nepal via flights

For an Air trip, you would require a valid passport. All countries do not necessarily have a direct flight to Tribhuvan International Airport, which is the only international airport in Nepal. So, we first have to confirm if there is a direct flight to Kathmandu or needs transition.

Asian countries can have a direct flight to Kathmandu. Getting in Nepal is easier through Asian countries. Countries other than Asian countries do not have direct flights to Nepal.

The transit point usually lies either in China or in India. But, there is a wide option of connecting flights to choose from over 50 cities across Asia. Learn the location of transit for convenience.

Traveling from direct flights takes less time to reach Nepal whereas connecting flights are long-standing. Flying over the high peaks, you will already garner a mountainous view before even landing in Nepal.

Witness a spectacular scenic landscape view of Nepal from a flight height which is sure to excite and energize you.

Getting in Nepal overland via India

Getting in Nepal via India wouldn’t require any documents or passport. But carry them to stay on the safe side. The open border of Nepal and India makes it easier to travel from India to Nepal.

Several railway networks connect India to Nepal. These trains cover a long route so it is convenient to travel via train.

Besides train traveling, another available tour from India is via bus. Traveling in India by public bus is not quite an interesting experience to go through for some apparent reasons.

Public vehicles in India are always crowded, as public transport is cheaper in price. And, do not expect these public vehicles to be lavish. If you want to travel in an AC bus then, you have to reserve your seat in an expensive tourist bus.

Traveling in public transport from India to Nepal can probably be uncomfortable, strenuous, long and sweaty. However, if you want to go easy with your pocket and have much time to spend on traveling then you can choose to travel via public bus.

If you are thinking of driving overland by road from India to Nepal, then you are required to obtain either an international driving license recognized by the Indian government or a standard UK Driving License.

Getting in Nepal overland via China

Getting into Nepal from China is possible only by crossing the Tibet border. To cross Tibet, you are required to book a Tibet tour package since an individual cannot have an independent trip in the Tibet region.

A train journey to Tibetan plateau can be long and tough, but as you head south to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, you are sure to manifest the spectacular views of the Tanggula Mountains and the northern Tibetan plains. Once you reach Lhasa then take the shortest tour to Nepal of about 7 days.

While you travel overland from Tibet to Nepal, you will be able to manifest some of the most amazing historical sites of Tibet like the Potala Palace, the Gyantse Kumbum, the Jokhang Temple, and many sky-piercing peaks.

Overland transportation would offer you more of a closer and clear view of Mountain vistas and sceneries than those short-lived flights. If you are open to adventurous road trips, then choose road transportation for getting in Nepal.

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